
Artificial Intelligence Beyond All Others - Near Stanford

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About RtiPHiCialN

Nobody Is Faster - Nobody More Secure

Genius Is, As Complex Simplifies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Has Been Our Wheel House For Over 22 Years. Some On Our Team Since 1983

Contact RtiPHicialN If You Are Serious About Knowing What Has Already Been Developed Well Beyond Others

Without Sounding Arogant, While You Work On Developing Solutions For Google, Apple, Microsoft, FaceBook, Amazon etc. Get Yourself A Cup of Coffee & Relax. You Have A Job That Is Decades Behind Those Of Us Who Knew The World Was Headed Into The Abyss With Genocide Marxist/Maoist Communist Chinese Money & Theory Aligning With The World Bank & World Pharma. Did Your AI Inform You Of This. Ask Yourself Why Not? It Is Just One Identifier That Your Predictive Analytics Are Tainted or So Far Behind You Only Have AI For Propaganda Purposes.

My Phone Is Open. Call or Email. HaqFre@Tuta.com

Helping A New Client

A New Company Utilizing The Most Advanced AI Solution Is Entering A Sector Where There Are 5 Large Competitors and 37 Other Lesser-Known Competitors. The Valuations Of The Five Large Competitors Is Over 9 Billion. We Are Excited About Helping This Company So They Can Implement A Tool Far More Advanced Than What Their Competition Uses. On The Menu Page Is The Most Expensive Bag Of Coffee, Hand Delivered By Me To Discuss AI. NDA's Required. I Will Waive The Charge To Any Current, Past Or New Politician Who Is Not Aligned With The Chinese Communist Party. As For Others - Order The Coffee, You Will Not Be Disappointed.